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1. What is Sandstone? 1.1 Definition: Sandstone is a rock formed from grains of sand that have come together and solidified over time. Imagine countless tiny particles of sand tightly packed and glued, creating a rock that holds the history of the Earth. 1.2 Composition: The main ingredients of sandstone are the grains of sand,… Read More »Sandstone


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Gravel: An Everyday Guide Gravel is like a bunch of tiny rocks that we see almost everywhere, from driveways to playgrounds. It’s a simple material, but it plays a big role in making our outdoor spaces useful and durable. We will now look into the world of gravel together, to understand what it is, where… Read More »Gravel

Pea Gravel: A Simple Guide

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All About Pea Gravel: A Simple Guide Pea gravel is like tiny, round rocks that we often see in gardens, pathways, or even on playgrounds. It’s a small but mighty material that serves various purposes in making outdoor spaces look good and function well. Let’s look at the world of pea gravel together, to understand… Read More »Pea Gravel: A Simple Guide